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Our Mission

Pilgrim Christian Center, as part of the Christian Community of Minnesota, is committed not only to transforming lives, but worshiping God, and serving humanity.  (Romans 12:1-2; Luke 4:18-19; 1 Chronicles 16:23-31; James 2:14-16)

Our Core Values

Pilgrim ministry’s core values are developed with the recognition that it is essential to productive ministry. Pilgrim values that everyone is important to God, and that God wants everyone to fully worship Him, and fulfill their desire in Him. So, we wish to motivate people to connect with God for a genuine relationship and sanctified living. Thus, we value the following norms:


Holy Spirit Anointing: We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit’s anointing. The anointing empowered Jesus to fulfill his ministry by being bold, faithful, committed, and vigilant. We seek for the anointing because it is the catalyst for transformation of lives, worship of our God, and social engagement. Matthews 3:16; Luke 4:18, James 2:14


Multiplication: As he drew nearer to the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus empowered his disciples to “go and make disciples” of all nations Matthews 28:19-20. As beneficiaries of the works of the early disciples, it behooves us to execute this command by building a strong community of believers who will in turn reach their world for Christ to keep the gospel’s touch burning.


Sanctification: We believe in a lifestyle that will yield totally and selflessly to God, and laying aside the deeds of all evil. Romans 12:1-2. We strive to live a life of holiness, honesty, and wholeness of character before God and our fellowman. Psalm. 51:6.

Our beliefs

Pilgrim obeys the nonnegotiable tenets of faith that all Assemblies of God churches adhere to. This list is derived from the official Statement of Fundamental Truths. Click links below to see the complete original statement with scriptures.

MISSION 2020/2021

In two separate conversations with his desciples recorded in Matthew 28:19 and Acts 1:8, Jesus accentuated the ways to recruit people for the kingdom of God. To us who are his extended disciples in today’s universal Christian church, this recruitment process is known as mission. Implying, mission is the meaning of the church. “The church can exist only insofar as it is in mission, insofar as it participates in the act of Christ,”1 Evangelism and outreach are part of this equation, but so is a decent place to call church home. People who come to Christ for a new start shouldn’t feel uncomfortable or awkward, but the delight of a decent place for fellowshipping, teaching, and equipping.



MISSION 2020/2021cont'd

So, as we part take of this noble assignment, it behooves us to make sure that those we recruit have such a place to call church home. A place from where they will grow, reach their world for Christ, and prepared for his return.


Considering the importance of this noble assignment, we, the people of Pilgrim Christian Center, have embraced the idea of partnering with our sister church, United Christian Assembly of Liberia to renovate or do an extreme make-over of her current worship center as a way of fulfilling this noble assignment.


Therefore, we are humbly soliciting your prayers and financial donations to facilitate our mission project in Liberia. Your donations are tax deductible.


ESTIMATED COST FOR THE BUILDING PROJECT: $47,000.00 US DOLLARS                                                          

The project has three phases:

  1. Phase 1 – The Foundation & Floor                                       $15,700

  2. Phase 2 – The Elevation                                                         $19,700

   3. Phase 3 – The Roofing                                                           $11,600


As you may be aware, Pilgrim believes that people’s business is God’s business, therefore God’s business should be the mission of the church. So, Pilgrim is about mission.

Someone wrote, “Mission is the meaning of the church.” The church can exist only insofar as it is in mission, insofar as it participates in the act of Christ, (bringing people into God’s Kingdom) which is mission. The church becomes the mission, the living outreach of God into the world. Without this mission, there would be no church. Pilgrim agrees, so, we are a mission church. Our missional calling is in twofold—making connections locally and globally as we transform lives.

  • Making Connection Locally:  As a body of believers, we are reaching out and connecting people in our communities with God who are yearning to make a difference in their lives spiritually. We are identifying and bringing new people into the church. We intend to connect with people in facilities such as homeless shelters, nursing homes, senior citizen centers or veterans’ hospitals.


  • District Partner: Pilgrim is also in partnership with the Minnesota District Council through Church Multiplication Network to facilitate the establishment of new churches within the district council. 


  • Oversea Partnership: Through its planters, Pilgrim has developed a sisterly relationship with United Christian Assembly, “UCA” Inc.  in Liberia that share similar core values and vision. We have interacted and visited with UCA on numerous occasions. And wish to continue said visitation. Currently, we are partnering with UCA to reconstruct her edifice. This project is estimated at $47,000 US dollars.

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